You are Bioenergy and Transformations of Consciousness!


A week ago we attended a big training on bioenergetics and consciousness transformation

We went to strengthen our energy even more and expand our consciousness and awareness of what we are doing. There were really many practices, we were looking at the fire, listening to the sounds, made the two hemispheres of the brain work at the same time, made the energy come out through the hands or feet. There was a lot and I felt inside that all this knowledge was familiar to me, in part it is. In fact some 10 years ago I had the gift of clairvoyance and I could tell a lot about a person just by touching him. After childbirth it was like a cutoff.


But when I started practicing different spiritual and energy practices, slowly everything started to return to me. And now I can read a person just by looking at his face. At the training a lot of attention was given to aura and how you can learn to see it. I have my own way, the channel opens after practicing Maitoon. In its original purpose, not the modern interpretation where everything is too exaggerated and aimed, not at the transformation of consciousness, but just for the sensation of pleasure.

At the end of the training we were at the hotel and we were talking about transforming consciousness, we want to really transform the consciousness of women. Because without transformation there will be no progress, your brain will do everything to assimilate the information, accept the practices and continue to live a habitual life. Even if it's not to your liking. That's why I personally am for global changes and if we started, we go all the way. We are not men after all. Minute-joke Actually, transformation of consciousness is very important if you want to change your life very abruptly and make it sweet, buzzing and full of new sensations.

You can trust the layouts and the stars and numerology and other practices. But one thing is worth learning, if you come to us, be prepared for a transformation of mind, body and sensations. You will be supergirl, just give yourself a chance

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