Through the Old Cities of the World - Photo!
I'm going on a trip to the old cities of the world... and I like to google maps beforehand, so to speak, to see where the hotel is and where to go, to walk around... I was hoping to take pictures of old houses... And I look at how many spoiled whole streets, draped in siding! And there's nothing left, the cities have lost their authenticity... NO MORE of what you're looking for, what you're expecting to see... like in the movies they shot old cities with all that atmosphere... Only the big sites, the old Temples, Monasteries... and thank God for that!
Apparently, this is a worldwide trend?!
And then it occurred to me - but in my city, there is so much left alive, real... that you can SAVE, for the sake of the future! But tear it down and tear it down! Many houses that are not monuments of architecture, for some unknown reason, left unattended... are being prepared for demolition! Soon it will be like this in our country - there is NOTHING to do to plunge into a real old town! And some people are still arguing - *why do we need this old stuff!?
Photo of a beautiful log house!
Surrounded by a street that goes back hundreds of years!
antique gates made of clean, eco-friendly wood!
The window opposite the birch!
Happy warm evening!
Someone lives in this house!
Lots of green plants, trees and shrubs!
The house is private!
How beautiful. artistically looks the house in two floors, curiosity has no limits!